Sunday, December 7, 2008

Proud of you!

It is a great moment to all Nepalese living anywhere in the world to enjoy the achievement of the fellow Nepalese on the special occasion of successful test flight of aeroplane. It was a long cherished dream that actually comes true.

We have heard that Gehendra Shamshere and his team had designed aircraft that flew from Syoumbhu to Guheswori in the time of Rana regime(1846-1950A.D.). But it has not been confirmed. It was in the time of the dark ages of Rana regime that had kept the country in the isolation from the outside world and thereby pushed the country 100 years back.

Only after 1950s, we had an opportunity to get the education for all. So it is only about 60 years (that means 2 generations)that we have the chance to get education. Still many people have not been able to see the bright shade of the education. We need to do that. But in spite of all these odds we have full of talents and skill to drive the world!

Now the Nepalese people have been global in distribution serving their minds and shoulders in the service of humanity. The development of the nation very much depends upon the science and technology. Besides these there is need of feeling of the self identity and dignity. The successful test flight of the aircraft by Nepalese for the very first time has given impetus in this regards.

It is high time that we should appreciate the talent and the diligence of the team and motivate all others to come forward in the development of nation, wherever and whatever we are.

Congratulation to all who are directly and indirectly involved in this successful accomplishment!
Bravo ! You did it !


The video of the construction of aircraft can be seen in the following video: