Friday, December 12, 2008


Life is so precious Gift of God. The existence of its own body is only because of its soul. Till the soul is with us, our external personality is with us but when it leaves it, we are no more then a wooden block.

So it is the boon of Almighty that we born with the human personality. Being a human being doesn't mean that he/she is blessed but being a real humanity is the matter of concern. Now the world is changing in a rapid way but the attitude of one's being a human being is lacking. The technology and the advancement is on one side but if we see the attitude of human being, it is really a shameful. People are searching for something and running behind it like a following shadows but do they knew that in his/her destination, whether he/she is moving with a real soul? Do they move with a real humanity?Do they move selflessly? Do they move without overtaking others? I am sure this question will remain unanswered.

Completing human cycle-Getting born, infancy, toddlerhood, childhood, adolescent, adulthood, middle age, then old age doesn't mean that we achieved our destination of being a real soul. But if we esteem ourselves that what we did or what we are going to do, matters a lot.

Human being is also blessed with different senses compared to other creatures.We are having reasoning sense, vocal sense, imagination,expressions etc. So God gifted us all those not only for our own body but also to share among the human personality. That's why we have human facial expressions, like smiling expression, surprising expression, anger expression, sad expressions. So human being is having different voluntary and involuntary senses. At least if he/she is able to control its voluntary sense according to its situations and environment he/she is considered to be a human being.

A single words matter a lot. It can admire you if you are using it properly to proper person but if you fail, you will miss not only your own dignity but also respect from others. And you will be no more then a hatred. So being a human personality we need to enhance our mind.

"You should always learn ,with life comes wisdom and wisdom comes courage to live your life selflessly. The more you learn about yourselves and the experiences surrounding yourselves,the more opportunities you have to make your life better and more fulfilling".

Written by-Anupama Poudel