Friday, November 7, 2008

Feelings from the heart !

"Bashudaiva Kutumbhakam"

Ancient sages have taught us that world is a common ground for all and we should have the feeling of the brotherhood. The relevance of this thing in the present context is still high because the ego of being superior to other still exists. There are still many followers of different religions, faiths or ideologies who try to either hate others or do not want to coexist peacefully.

The ideology of religion is self discipline and to the highest extent to achieve the self realization. Allmost all religions preach not to hurt others, help the needy and give due respect to elders and love to the youngers. When the destination is same why we should argue and impose to others one's ideology of religion to others. We must try our best to coexist in peaceful religious life.

Another biggest thing we should take care is the politics. Politics has often been described as the dirty game. Even then it the thing which runs in every moment of our life everywhere. It is like the head of the society which governs all the major things. The political ideology may be communism, democracy or the worst case the dictatorship. It is in the interest of all to give the best chance to people to explore the highest possible thing. Politics should not be the ends but should be the means of progress and prosperity.

(To be continued..)