Monday, November 24, 2008

Best Lesson

Once upon a time there was a king . One day he was distributing sweets to the people. There was queue for taking the sweets. There was a girl who was looking overall activities. King went to that girl and offered the sweets. But she denied and said that she would not take any sweets free of cost. King became surprised and asked why? She said, 'I have got such lessons that we should not take any things free of cost'. Then king asked from where you got such lessons; then the girl said she got such lesson from her mother. The king had strong desire to meet with her mother.

He met her mother and asked questions. The mother said that God have given us two hands and two legs to do work and fill the stomach which is located in between them. One can use others' property only if they are suffered from diseases or very old or very young and unable to do job physically. Otherwise it will be sin for taking anyone’s property free of cost. Then king asked where is your husband? Then she said he is no more in this world. He was rich and the property was sufficient for her to sustain but she sold them all. She added ," I had no any rights to use his property because I was her wife but I didn’t have contributed any thing for that property. And I used that money for constructing well and pond so that people and animal can drink water." Now a days she used to go jungle and brings firewood and sell in the market and used money for daily activities and she was totally satisfied from her job. The king was shocked from her great thinking and said that he got the best lesson ever from her.
(The contribution was made by Er. Pradeep Uprety.)