Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Nepal Earthquake 2011

On 18th September 2011  earthquake of magnitude 6.9 rocked in the Nepal Sikkim border. Till date more than 70 people have been killed in Nepal , India and Tibet. Nepal is earthquake prone countries. The constant movement of  tectonic plates between Indian and Tibetan subcontinent is pushing each other thereby causing stress underneath. For this reason, earthquake happens to release the pressure. After the  deadly earthquakes of 1934 and 1988, it is more devastating. Due to the low preparedness as well as non engineered houses there is more probability of the high damage situation. Pralhad Uprety  et al (2009) has done good research on the Kathmandu  city area and in their finding shows significant loss in possible large earthquake with epicenter nearby the Kathmandu.This time it was 300 km away from the epicenter and so not significant damage. Their findings are coming in international journal and will highlight the situation.