Friday, January 2, 2009


It has already a year (only by year) that the blog has started. It was in the October that its launch began. With in this very short time it has been viewed by different people around the globe except from the African region (the above figure with dot points indicate the place from which it has been viewed.The bigger the size of dot, more the viewers). It has mostly viewed from Japan, United States and Nepal.
The topics covered in the blogs include history, literature, medicine and other related information. Some interesting videos have been uploaded too. Materials regarding the religion are also there.It has been tried to make the blog more informative as possible. Even the guest article has been incorporated.
To make the site more useful , links of the radio,mail sites and newspaper have been incorporated. Clock showing the standard Nepali time has been kept as a reference to the local time.
Feedback from the viewers have been very encouraging. Hope in the coming days the site be more useful to all with the continuous efforts of all of us. Constructive criticisms are always welcome!