Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Great Buddha of Kamakura, Japan

Once a capital region for about 100 years, Kamakura is one of the best talked places to visit for the foreigners. The main attraction is the big statue of Amitabha Buddha (阿弥陀仏 Amida Butsu in Japanese) which is 13.35 meter tall weighing 121 ton. It was built around 1423 circa with the collection of funds from devotees and well-wishers without any state support. It is cast in bronze with elaborate use of the joints which can be observed by visiting interior of statue.

The Great Buddha of Kamakura
(Photo credit: Dr Pralhad Uprety)
Located in Kamakura city in Kanagawa Prefecture, it is 1.5 hour drive from Tokyo Station and 1.5 km west from the Kamakura railway station. The entry to temple complex requires fee and one can even enter the interior of the statue by paying extra fee inside the temple complex. The statue was covered previously but the 1495 tsunami swept away  the temple structure and since then it is open to the sky to these days. It is said that with the fall of the area as capital status (capital was shifted to Kyoto) it did not get the state fund for reconstruction.

It is one of the national treasures in Japan and she is trying to list it in the UNESCO World Heritage list. Wishing  all the best in her efforts!!!!!.