Saturday, May 5, 2012

Freedom is not "free"

Statue of Liberty, Japan
Liberty or freedom is dear to all. Throughout the history there are stories of struggles for the freedom from the shackles of oppressions. The oppressions may be religious, social, cultural or political. People have fought for the independence of their beloved nation when colonial power excesses their limits. The American War of Independence is an example where brave Americans fought with colonial master Britain. Once people are successful in their aim they construct memorial to honor the freedom fighters as well as to make a history for the coming generations so that they can learn from the history. They also want to show that freedom is not free and it should be taken with care and veneration.

In the American War of Independence, France actively supported the American cause. To commemorate the victory France offered a gift, a statue, to America as a token of friendship from the people of France to the people of United States. It is 46 meter high and designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi. The statue represents the Libertas, Roman goddess of freedom. Established in 1886 and located in New York, it is an icon of city similar to the Opera House of Sydney. Since then it has become an icon of freedom and democracy. If someone happens to New York, s/he tries to be there to feel from the nearest distance. It is not only national monument of USA but also world heritage site (since 1984).

Since all can't be in New York, hundreds of replicas of statue of liberty have been made throughout the world. One replica (1/4 th of size) is given by American community to the France is located in the Paris. Here in Japan we can feel and observe the replica is Odaiba, Tokyo. It is located in the sea beach with nice background of beautiful buildings and Rainbow Bridge. In the cherry blossom the place is full with visitors.