Sunday, March 11, 2012

First anniversary of The 2011 March 11 Japan Earthquake

Devastation caused by Tsunami.
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Today is  the first anniversary of The 2011 March 11 Japan Earthquake. Magnitude was 9 and its effect was felt in Eastern Japan rocking both Tokyo and Chiba. More than 20,000 people are dead or missing and property worth of 300 billion dollar was estimated to be loss. The 2010 Haiti earthquake was deadly in terms of casualty as more than 200,000 people are dead. However, from  economic terms The 2011 March 11 Japan Earthquake is costliest in recent history. Most tragedy is due to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima nuclear plant which was damaged heavily due to earthquake and tsunami. Though the dedicated engineers and   workers are able to stabilize the plant, still there is danger. Many people around the place have to be evacuated and many could not return back to their home as the radiation level is still high. 

However, the most important part is the resilience shown by people. There was not panic or chaos as in other part of world after disaster. Even in USA, after the hurricane Katrina there were some visible disturbances, chaos and looting. There is no need to talk in other parts of world especially in countries where rule of law is distant future as even in normal time. The sharp contrast for  resilience shown by  Japanese people  may be the due to the following reasons: mono-racial  or homogeneous society  and second is the true Buddhism practice in life. Discipline is  another factor. I should not be reason for trouble to other. Keeping this belief, the society was able to cope this disaster without any social unrest.

Still roaring ! Salute to  sense of courage.
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Still there is hope that we will learn from this disaster and prepare for better in future events from natural hazards. Life is like this. Learning from the past to prepare for the future.

 Resilience! Smiling face even in the time of disaster.
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On this first anniversary of event, 
We would like to offer our deep condolences to bereaved family and sympathy to all those affected. We would also like to salute people who being affected directly by disaster withstand this event bravely and show the true sense of courage and conviction for better future.