Information is fundamental rights of citizen. In the olden days information to public was given in the public places using like plaza, temples to name a few. But after the scientific innovation of different pioneers like Tesla, Marconi and so on it has been a different story.
When we take case of Nepal it was only after 1951 that Nepal has Radio service. Previously, it was used by revolutionary group during the armed struggle against autocratic Rana regime. After the successful revolution of 1950 the same radio service was used for the national purpose and called Radio Nepal
. Formal date of establishment is on 1st April 1951. Initially, the transmission covered duration of 4 hours and 30 minutes (through a 250 Watt SW transmitter). Now it operates from 5 am to 11 pm daily using different bandwidths (am, shortwave). It was only in 1995 that FM radio service started in Nepal.
Regarding Television service, only in 1985 that Nepal operated its own television (Nepal Television) service and its credit basically goes to noted personality Nir Shah. With the liberalization of communication services country has witnessed a dramatic increase in media. Radio Nepal and Nepal Television are the state owned radio and TV services and others are privately or community operated services. Private TV channels include Kantipur Television, Image Channel, Channel Nepal, Avenues TV, Nepal 1 Television and Sagarmatha Television. Sagarmatha Television is the first news television in Nepal. Nepal 1 Television is broadcasted from India.
As of 2011 followings are the official details regarding electronic services obtained from Government of Nepal (2011).
As of 2011 followings are the official details regarding electronic services obtained from Government of Nepal (2011).
Cable TV operators: 701
FM Radio: 380 licensed(319 operating)
Down link approval:91 foreign TV(including NHK of Japan)
TV service: 28 approved and more than dozen operating.