Saturday, February 13, 2010

We Are the People

The world has not only bad people but also good and kind hearted people. People with compassion and action. Otherwise world would already have been a hell. Michael Jackson was also kind hearted guy who with his friends try to address the plight of starving people from Ethiopia due to severe famine and subsequent hunger. In 1985 Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie wrote the charity song called We Are the world (Also the album of same title). The song was honored numerous times — including three Grammy Awards, one American Music Award and a People’s Choice Award — The song was promoted with music video, a home video, a special edition magazine, a simulcast, and several books, posters and shirts.

More than 7 million units of the album, single and cassettes, plus nearly 2 million digital sales and related merchandise has contributed revenue more than $63 million. About half of the income was spent on emergency relief (food, medicine, and refugee services) and supporting more than 500 different relief, rehabilitation and development projects in 18 different countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
The group now tries to address big disaster following Haiti earthquake in which more than 230,000 people lost their lives and hundreds of thousands people homeless. People and institutions around the world are feeling sorry for Haitian people and showing solidarity through different means. One way to support them is giving donation through reputed organization like Redcross, Doctors without borders and of course world 25.

The charity group is primarily focused for African development but seeing the devastation of Haiti they now have formed The World 25 for Haiti (exactly 25 years after Ethiopian famine) and remake the song and music video in support to the plight of the Haitian People. More than 80 artists and performers gather together to sing a charity song. The charity group expects to draw donation after seeing video from viewers or downloading into itunes. The donation will go for the relief and reconstruction works of Haiti.

If you have credit card you too can donate after watching the video ;