Monday, November 23, 2009

Aeronautical Museum

Aeroplane is one of the greatest achievement of human era. Man has long dream of flying up above the sky like a free bird. It became possible only after a long struggle and untiring efforts. Human being has conquered the sky. Aviation service has made the life quite convenient. Now the distance has been squeezed with the time and it became a usual phenomena. Main credit for the revolutionary invention of modern day aircraft goes to Wright brothers who made the successful flight in 1903 in USA.

I have a long dream to see the developmental history of aircraft. Though I have been in Japan for last 2 years it never came in mind that there is aeronautical museum to go. When I noticed that there is such a facility right here in Chiba I was very happy. I was lucky enough to notice the tour program about the sightseeing within Chiba by Chiba Prefecture Tourism Office. I was excited.

Aeronautical museum was nearby the Narita International Airport. Narita airport is the gate way to Japan. In the main entrance there is a prototype of aircraft similar to that built by Wright brothers. Seeing the model, I felt as if I were in Wright brother's time. Guide gave good orientation about the museum and its exhibited items. I entered the cockpit, touch the engine, and felt myself as a pilot for a time being. Though I am professionally doctor I became pilot! Really I was wondering!!! Many models of aircraft of different times were exhibited over there. I had some time to see the runway of Narita airport from where the landing and take off of aircrafts was clearly seen. I got the proper idea of the aircraft, its internal configuration, technology and material. I wish to stay for long time over there but it was not possible as we have to leave the museum to see to other beautiful places on the same day as per schedule. The aeronautical museum is worth visiting once you are in Japan. I am very much thankful to organizers for providing wonderful opportunity. Once again thank you very much.
Osewa Narimashita !!!
(Posted by -Anupama )