Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Year Wish from US Secretary of State

Starting the new culture, US Secretary of State wishes Nepali on new year 2066.This is the first time of sending greeting to Nepali on new year. Here is the full text of the message:

Nepali New Year (Bikram Sambat) Message
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
April 13, 2009

To all those around the world who share common Nepali cultural and linguistic traditions, I send best wishes for a happy 2066. I hope that in this New Year, Nepal will continue on the path to peace and prosperity.

As you welcome the New Year, I salute the spirit of tolerance and shared heritage that brings Nepalis together regardless of their differences on this day to celebrate and exchange good wishes.

All New Year celebrations reflect the hope of new beginnings. As the world faces the greatest economic challenges in generations, we all must stand together to embrace the New Year’s promise of rebirth and renewal.

Naya Barshako Suba-Kamana!