Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Women's Rights

Though we all believe that men and women are equal, it is hard to feel that they are enjoying the equal rights. Everywhere we are seeing the discrimination and intimidation. I was thinking that it should not be the case of the educated and the developed nation like Japan. But the situation seems grim after reading the article from the Japan times which says that 33% married women are abused by husbands. The news follows like this:

A government survey released Tuesday shows that 33.2 percent of married women have experienced physical and mental abuse from their husbands, unchanged from the previous survey in 2005.Of the victims, 13.3 percent said they feared for their life, according to the Cabinet Office survey, which was conducted last October and November and covered 3,125 adults.
The survey found 13.6 percent of the women said they experienced violence from their boyfriends when they were in their teens to 20s. Of them, 21.9 percent feared for their life.
It found 13.6 percent of married women faced physical and mental abuse from their husbands in the past five years.Of them, 53.0 percent didn't ask anyone for help and 27.6 percent consulted friends or acquaintances. Only around 3 percent consulted police or a hospital and about 1 percent turned to prefectural help centers, lawyers or private shelters. Of those subjected to violence from their husbands, 34.4 percent said they were injured or psychologically harmed
It is high time that we all wake up to end all sort of violence to women and let create an environment where there is enough space for the human dignity.
(News source:Japantimes)