Saturday, January 24, 2009

Letter from wellwisher !

Sometime it is interesting to get unexpected thing. One wellwisher has sent me a letter and it follows like this:

Dear Humble and Forgiving Star Pralhad,

Wishing You and your Gifted Family a Life Filled with Inner Self Newness, Emotional Harmony and Complete Acceptance of Each Other. As we Bravely Run Towards the Finishing line of Life, we Forget to Remind each other of Our Virtues. Interestingly, The Divine Rationale Intellect Only sees Qualities and Teaches us to Let Go of our weaknesses. Out of My Respect for Humanity, Please Accept My Good Wishes...

My Honest Pralhad, Always know that You are a Unique Soul Loved by your Family and Friends. You make their World have Meaning. So your Role in life is PURPOSEFUL. Be a HERO ACTOR on this World Stage, where The Sun, Moon and Stars are The Lights Shining upon you. Your Tolerant and Generous ACTIONS are a MIRROR to The World that Reveals You as a Rewarding IMAGE of Compassion.

My Independent Soldier, Life is a Game of Obstacles, so do not be Disheartened by Challenges. You See the Hurdles you have Crossed. You are a Stronger Person Today because of Earning All those Experiences. See The CONTRAST of your PAST and PRESENT. BE PROUD of All you have ACHIEVED. Continue taking Careful Steps of Heroism. Remain a Deep Sea Diver and a Long Distance Runner in This Ocean-like Path of Life. My Optimistic Traveler, IF AT PRESENT YOU LIVE IN THE PAST THEN HOW WILL YOU SEE YOUR BRIGHT FUTURE ? Difficulties arise to Challenge your Courage and to Test your Will Power.

My Awakened Champion Pralhad, The SUN of Spiritual Knowledge has NOW Risen in India, with The "ARRIVAL of The SUPREME SOUL on Earth". This KNOWLEDGE Allows us to AWAKEN our "Father-Child" RELATIONSHIP To Our One Supreme Soul 'SHIVA' - The FATHER of Human Souls. "Shiva" means A Constant World Benefactor. Through The Link of REMEMBRANCE, The Soul Receives Power From The Supreme Father. We Then Learn to Control The MIND by UNDERSTANDING The SELF Through The Method of SILENCE and MEDITATION. He Teaches us to Live a Life of Purity and Values; and Develop Loving Compassion Towards Souls of Humanity and Nature.

My Loving Angelic "Student Of Life", Souls have been Searching for PEACE and HAPPINESS. All Seek The Answer to Life's Question, "WHO AM I" ? You are a Soul, whose Original "Religion and Nature" is PEACE and PURITY. The Soul is a Tiny Point of Light that Controls this Body, Like a Driver in a Car. Your Soul is like a Powerful Glowing star in the Night Sky. It is The Doer, Observer and Experiencer. It Never dies, but sheds one Human body after another. The Awareness of the Body causes Peacelessness and Unhappiness. The Soul Gives Life To Your Body. Your Beautiful Soul contains: A Happy Mind + A Knowledgeful Intellect + A Virtuous Personality. The ORIGINAL HOME of Souls is The SOUL WORLD, The Faraway Peaceful Land of Silence.

My Creative Artist, If a SEED of Positive Thought is put into ACTION, The Result will always lead to Happiness. Every Seed that is SOWN Bears a fruit, which grows at it's own Season. This is The Key To The KARMA PHILOSOPHY. Be a Beautiful Gardner in the Creation of your Colourful Tree-like Life. Eat Fruits of Joy and Spread the Fragrance of your Flower-like Virtues to souls who seek your Shade.

My Wise Winner, May you Attain all your Needs and Accomplish all your Goals. Be Simple and LET THINGS GO AS THE DAY GOES. Do Not Compare Yourself with Anyone nor Compete and Expect from others. YOU ARE UNIQUE and THE BEST. Make EFFORT not to GIVE SORROW, nor to TAKE SORROW from any Soul. Through The Power of Spirituality your ATTITUDE will Change, Then Your VISION Will Change and Finally your WORLD Will also have to CHANGE. Remain Seated On Your Throne of Self Respect, Tie the Seat Belt of Determination and you will remain Safe and Set. Well My Dear Inspiring Pralhad, Thanks for your Valuable time.

With Spiritual Love,