Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wonder from Peru- Machu Picchu

Wonder of World: Machu Picchu of Inca Empire in Peru
There were  several independent civilizations in different parts of world with different level of art, culture, belief and religion. Inca civilization in South america was one of the  advanced  and developed civilizations. Before being colony of Spanish invaders in 1500s they had good and prosperous life. Because of the military superiority and internal weakness, Spanish could crush them and made whole South America the colony for several hundred of years. In the due course the entire culture was devastated with the suppression of their belief system and forced conversion to Christianity. Macha Pichu was in the high land area without knowledge to Spanish and hence remained untouched. Only in 1911 American historian Hiram Bingham brought notice to outside world about this nice monuments. Since then it has became tourist attraction of Peru. It was listed as World heritage site in 1983. Relieved that such a masterpiece remained untouched by the destroyer of human civilization.