Friday, October 24, 2014

World is small...

World is small!!! Lets live in harmony.
(Photo: Dr Pralhad Uprety)

Day in Photo- 34

Magnificent  Chiba Castle
( Photo Credit Dr. Pralhad Uprety)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Photo in Day -33

(Photo Dr. Pralhad Uprety)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Photo in Day-32

Red Panda
(Photo Dr. Pralhad Uprety)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Sorry state of India and its implications on Nepal

There have been a buzz of India regarding its health issues, poverty and sanitation problems even though it is one of the rising economic powers in the current time. Following highlights the state of India.

Literacy: 74%
Life expectancy : 68%
Most Polluted City in the world : New Delhi
Open Defecation : 50 % (620 million)
                              more than the population of Europe or twice that of USA
Poor people : 179.6 million  in 2013
                      (20.6% share of world's poor but 17.5%  share  of global population )

It is often compared that  India has more poor people than that of  all the African countries combined. The sorry state of environment are due to unplanned industrialization, illegal mining and waste mismanagement are some of the burning issues of India. In addition to these, the rampant open defection (50%)  has not only posed environmental problem but also have created the situation of cholera, dysentery and many more. To compare this Bangladesh has only 3%  open defecation and China just 1%. In spite of the fact that there is increased calorie intake than the previous time, the defecation has increased the exposure to the diseases thereby not only causing  death but also making stunting and intelligence problems in children thereby continuing the vicious cycle of poverty. The track record on public funding for the sanitation is just 1 (($400 million)   compared to 60 ($26 billion)  for food and job sectors. This has huge repercussions to the Indian society as sick society can not prosper in long run. According to the research recently reported in New York Times, INDIA HAS BECOME RISKY PLACE TO RAISE  CHILDREN.

It is great concern to Nepal (population just 26 million) because it has free entry system with India. Millions of people cross the border for education, shopping, medicine and tourism. Moreover, being a big neighbor its impact is obviously high. Any untoward incident in India has sever repercussions in Nepal. It is hoped that: More the India prosper the more the Nepal will prosper. As development is contagious and in fact the trickling effect of prosperity will benefit Nepal too. In this context the poor and sick states of India (Bimaru states in Hindi) are Bihar, UP and Bengal which are the biggest population bases  (more than 400 million ) of India are the border of Nepal. It is high time that Indian society and government should come forward in sanitation culture and bring the clean and hygiene society not only for its benefit but also for the global health concerns. All countries including Japan (which has severe obsession on cleanliness and sanitation) should help India. Even Nepal should help India in by sharing its positive experiences (like Attitude and Practice) in sanitation and health sectors.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

For the India-Nepal Goodwill

India in Numbers 

Size: 3,287,590  km  ( 7th Largest in World)
Population ( 2011 census)  1.21 Billion (2nd Biggest in World)
GDP: $ 2 Trillion (10th Biggest in World)
Borders by land: 6 countries
                             (Nepal, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Bhutan)
Territorial Issues: 5 countries 
                            (Nepal, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Srilanka)

Territorial issues between China and India comes from the  Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1950s and with Pakistan from the Jammu and Kashmir. Since Bangladesh was East Pakistan it has some issues from the very birth of India and Pakistan.

But it is interesting to note about the territorial issues between India and Nepal. It is to be noted that India is about 22 times larger than Nepal. Given the friendly past it seems unnatural that both Hindu majority nations have border issues. However, it is the fact that there are border issues including Kalapani (source of Mahakali river in the Western boundary of Nepal), Susta in Nawalparasi district. Kalapani is in Indian occupation in 1960s (after the Sino-India war in 1962 where India was defeated with humility from China). Nepal has border accord with China in the 1960s but with India it was set up to complete in 1980s but is yet to complete . The main reason is India wants to sign the strip maps excluding the Kalapani and Susta. Nepal of course denies this. It is to be noted that after British India and Nepal had broadly defined the area during the Junga Bahardur Rana premiership. There were appropriate pillars (Junge pillars) along the border maintaining the good border environment. The friendship treaty and recognition of sovereign state in 1923 made further bonding between two nations. But Indian state mechanism  with colonial mentality and narrow heart started problem once India got independence in 1947. Many reports have emerged that Indian SSB force along the Indo-Nepal border has harassed  the Nepali people crossing India and asking for bribe. Those who are challenging are tortured and severely beaten. The No Man's Land (Dash or 10 gaja) is severely encroached by Indian side and is supported by inactions from SSB (border force of India). This has increased the bad image of India among the Nepali citizens.
           After the economic liberalization in 1990s India has progressed a lot and even aspired to be a permanent member in security council of the United Nations citing its area and population. But there are serious objections from its own neighboring nations because of its dismal record as a BIG BROTHER. Many experts opine that- If India seriously wants to have goodwill in aspiring to be a global player it must stop hegemony to small neighboring states and resolve the international border issues as soon as possible. It should start from Nepal as it is the most friendly of all of its neighbors as evident from the fact that she is providing her great manpower (more than 50,000) in its security forces maintaining law and order securing the frontiers. Big country will be great by its virtues not by size and population. Let it be followed in action.

            Narendra Modi, current prime minister of India who has shown acumen in diplomacy by inviting high dignitaries in his oath ceremony, while visiting Nepal this year for SAARC summit must ensure that any in-differences between India and Nepal must be resolved quickly and peacefully. More sooner the better. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day in Photo- 31

Alien Robot by Pranjal Uprety
(Photo Dr Pralhad Uprety)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day in Photo- 30

Creativity has no bound.
 Pranjal Uprety s using iphone for his Robot.
(Photo Dr Pralhad Uprety)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day in Photo- 29

 Wishing the cold from winter in summer

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Paper published

Critical paper  by our regular contributor Dr. Pralhad  Uprety on the earthquake disaster in the Nepalese context- Learning from the 2010 Haiti Earthquake in Nepalese Context has been published in 2014 issue of the Byabasthapan,   Nepalese Journal of Management.

The abstract of the paper goes like

Natural disasters have been showing their devastating power to people and their livelihood throughout the history. Nepal is no exception in this regard. She has been affected from different disasters including landslides, earthquakes and floods resulting in loss of lives and properties from time to time. Fragile geography, ever-increasing population and lack of proper preparedness are the some of the pressing issues of Nepal. One of the most striking recent examples of sorrows and horrors perpetrated by the disasters is from the 2010 Haiti earthquake. The status of Nepal is similar to Haiti and hence it is imperative to draw lessons from it in Nepalese context.

The paper is result of rigorous research and has referred many  papers including the followings: 

Bilham. R., Paul B., and Jackson, M. 1995. Entertaining a Great Earthquake in Western Nepal: Historic Inactivity and Geodetic Tests for the Present State of Strain Journal of Nepal Geological Society, Vol. 11 (1) pp 73-78
Uprety, P., and Poudel, A. 2012. Earthquake Risk Perception among Citizens in Kathmandu, Nepal. Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies Volume 1.
Uprety, P., Bhandary, N. P., and Yatabe R. 2012. Questionnaire Survey Based Earthquake Damage Estimation in Kathmandu Valley of Nepal. The 5th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium (IJJSS) 2012 Chiba, Japan(in CD-ROM).

Monday, April 14, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bibaha Panchami

आज बिवाह पंचमी हिन्दूहरूबीचमा ठूलो दिन हो । अयोध्याको प्रभु रामचंद्र जनकपुरको देवी सीता संग विवाह गर्दाको  दिन हो । राजा जनक भगवान शिवको ठूलो धनु उठाउन जो व्यक्ति सक्छ उससित आफ्नो छोरी सीताको विवाह गर्ने प्रतिज्ञा गर्नुभएको थियो । धेरै योद्धाहरू र राजाहरूले प्रयास गरे तर गर्न सकेनन । यो देखेर राजा जनक दुःखी थिए  र त्यसो गर्न कुनै उपायको खोजीमा थिए। बिस्वामित्र  गुरूले  यो थाहा पाई आफ्ना प्रिय चेला अयोध्या राजकुमार रामलाई सवै काम पूरा गर्न  भन्नुभयो । रामले सजिलै संग धनुष उचालेर मात्र नभई  तादो (प्र्तायांचा) तान्न  खोज्दा धनु ३ टुक्रामा चकनाचूर भयो:  स्वर्ग पाताल ( वर्तमानमा त्यसको माथी  धनुष सागर भन्ने तलाउ छ )  र अर्को जमीनमा रह्यो (धनुषाधाम करिब जनकपुर देखि 40 किलोमिटर ) । त्यहाँ अगन्तुकले विशाल चट्टानहरु धनु रुपको आकृति देख्नेछन् । पहिलेको प्रतिज्ञा अनुसार रामको सीता संग विवाह भयो ।            जनकपुर नेपालको दक्षिणी भाग मा स्थित छ र वहाँ एक सुन्दर मन्दिर ( आसन्न फोटो ) छ । नेपाल र छिमेकी देशहरूबाट हजारौं भक्तहरु विवाह समारोह मनाउन जनकपुर झुम्मिन छन । विवाह समारोह सप्ताह भर मानिन्छ । यस अवधिमा  जनकपुर शहर विवाह उत्सव द्वारा आनन्दित हुन्छ !        राम  सीता प्रभु विष्णु   देवी महालक्ष्मी को ईश्वरीय अवतार हो   राम नैतिकता, सद्गुण  आदर्शवादको प्रतीक हो  सीता  आदर्श छोरी, आदर्श पत्नी,  आदर्श आमाको रूपमा मानिन्छ  देवी सीता उनको सद्गुण  विशेषताहरुको लागि सम्झना गरिन्छ   

Today is Bibhaha Panchami, the great day among the Hindus. This is the day, when the Lord Ramachandra of Ayodhaya married with the goddess Sita of Janakpur. King Janak had promised to marry his daughter Sita to that person who could lift the great bow of Lord Shiva. Many warriors and kings tried but could not do. Seeing this, the king was sad and asked if there was anyone to do that. Bishwamitra told his disciple Rama ,prince of Ayodhya, to carry out the job. Rama not only lifted the bow with ease and but also
tried to string it. However the bow shattered into 3 pieces. One piece flied up to heaven another falls down into the depths of the underworld, (presently there is a pond called Dhanush Sagar above the spot) and the third piece flied to present day Dhanushadham, about 40 kilometers from Janakpur. There, visitors will see huge rocks shaped liked a bow. As promised before, Rama was married with the Sita.
Janankpur is located in the southern part of Nepal and there is a beautiful temple (adjacent picture) over there. Thousands of devotees from Nepal and neighbouring countries flock to Janakpur to celebrate the wedding ceremony. Their wedding ceremony is enacted throughout the week. During this period, the Janakpur city is enlivened by the wedding festive. The mood is jovial !
Lord Rama is the 7th reincarantion of Vishnu and Sita of Goddess Lakshmi, the divine consort of Lord Vishnu. Ram symbolizes morality, virtue and idealism. Sita is considered as the ideal daughter, ideal wife, and ideal mother, since ages. Goddess Sita is remembered for her virtues and attributes. Sita symbolizes all that is noble in womanhood.
Slokas (hymns) has praised the couple as follows:
"Neelambhuj Shyamalkomlang Sita Samaropitvambhagam,
Pano Mahasaikacharoochapam Namame Ramam Raghuvanshnatham"

(Meaning: Lord Rama is the chief amongst the Raghus. His handsome body is of dark blue color like the blue lotus. He has Sita seated on his left. He is the one, who wields a beautiful bow and arrows in his hands. I bow to such great Lord.)
We too bow to the the Rama and Sita. Please guide us from the darkness to light !!!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Photo of the day

Statue of Cow in the Japanese temple

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Flying high in sky

Flying high in sky.....
(Photo by Dr Pralhad Uprety)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Story by Prince Pranjal Uprety

Lets hear the story by Prince Pranjal Uprety in English. It is interesting to be noted that he has no formal English education in his preschool. It is his own effort. Congrats baby. Keep it up.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Light and luck

Light and luck (Photo by Dr Pralhad Uprety)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fire Fighting Aircraft

Fire Fighting Aircraft
(Photo Dr. Pralhad Uprety)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014


           Wishing you all a very Happy New Year
       as beautiful  as of Interior of Japanese Temple
                 (Photo credit: Dr Pralhad Uprety)