Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day in Photo- 14

Golden Temple in Kyoto

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day in Photo-13

So cute frog !!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sex selective abortion and Euthanasia in the field of medical world

ex selective abortion is one of the major problems in the developing countries including China, India. The data show that it is more common among affluent and educated families rather than poor and illiterate families. Most of the abortion of a female fetus is due to the importance given to male child for continuing their family. The problem in India may due to the burden of dowry system while in China it may be due to one child policy. People love females in different manifestations like mother, wife, sister but why when comes the birth of a daughter why? Selective abortion is logical in the sense if there are risk and complication and in some moral grounds like rape of women to avoid the later psychological burden. But why SEX selective abortion in normal scenarios? These types of medical practices are being done either against the law or ethics. The same practitioner is helping baby boy to born in this world while the same practitioner is killing baby girl. This is just greed to earn money and become rich without any moral responsibility. I believe this is very shameful and sinful act in the medical field as we have taken oath to save the life at our level best. So we have no rights in butchery.

On the other hand Euthanasia, also known as mercy killing, is a matter of great controversy as whether it has to be encouraged or not. Some of the countries has approved with the strong view that euthanasia is the act undertaken with compassion and without personal gain. Doctor assists the person with an incurable illness who has voluntarily asked their life to be ended to die. The pain, the suffering and the circumstances are on one side but beyond that there is a life which is an irreversible change in ones life. In my opinion as a health professional, I would rather allow patients to survive till they get their natural death because we can end life but we can’t give it back. So this is my great concern.

(Written By: Anupama Poudel)

Happy Vijaya Dasami 2069 B.S. (2012 A.D)

Wishing You All Well Wishers 

A Very Warm 

Happy Vijaya Dasami 2069 B.S. (2012 A.D)

Nepalimana family

Also enjoy Dashain Tihar  song by famous young singer Sugam Pokhrel

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hearty Congratulation

Dear Pralhad Uprety !

You have proven the fact that “hard work pays you off in future”. Your undying hope to earn a PhD degree (Earthquake Engineering) from prestigious University in Japan has come true. Our whole family and well-wishers congratulate you for such a remarkable success. 
All the very best for your future aspirations. 
With All Best Wishes
Your Beloved and whole family

Nepali alphabet song