Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day in Photo- 16

Superb Design  (Photo:  Dr Pralhad)

Day in Photo- 15

Snow, Sunlight and Greenery

Thursday, December 13, 2012

42nd Universal Festival

Yesterday 2012 December 12 (2012.12.12) was a special day on which Chiba University organized 42nd Universal festival to foster the  international understanding. Presentation from Philippines, Myanma (Burma) and Cuba were organized followed by Belly dance. People enjoyed all presentation but thrilled with the water festival from Myanma when video  was shown with nice music.Though the meaning of song could not be understood but it was simply nice. The auditorium was filled with people of different walks, Japanese as well as people from abroad. 
Lets enjoy the festival through some pictures we have taken.
 Plate 1.  Poster of  Chiba University Festival 
(Photo: Pralhad)

Plate 2. Opening ceremony (Photo: Pralhad)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy Tihar 2012

Traditional oil lamp called diyo (Photo : Rohit Saxena)
Tihar is festival of Lights and celebrated by Hindus all over the world. It is second great festival after Dashain in Nepal. Also called the Yampanchak (5 days of Yamaraj: the God of Death) it is celebrated from Trayodashi of Kartik Krishna to Kartik Sukla Dwitiya of Hindu calender. Kartik is the 7th month in Hindu calender and generally falls on October -November. The biggest celebration is on the Laxmi Puja : the third day of the festival which falls on the new moon. 

There are several manifestation of  Laxmi (wealth) and Asta Laxmi (literally means 8 Laxmi) is one. The manifestations are called by different names like: 

  1. Adi Laxmi (आदि लक्ष्मी) -The First manifestation of Laxmi 
  2. Dhanya  Laxmi (धान्य लक्ष्मी) -Granary/Food Laxmi
  3. Dhairya Laxmi (धैर्य लक्ष्मी) - Wealth of Patience/Courage 
  4. Gaja Laxmi (गज लक्ष्मी) - Wealth of prosperity, good luck 
  5. SantanLaxmi (सन्तान लक्ष्मी)-Wealth of continuity, progeny
  6. Vijaya Laxmi (विजय लक्ष्मी) -Wealth of victory
  7. Vidhya Laxmi (विद्या लक्ष्मी)-Wealth of knowledge 
  8. Dhana Laxmi (धन लक्ष्मी) -Monetary wealth
On this day of Laxmi Puja  the night is very dark and it is said that Laxmi: Goddess of Wealth visits to those house which are clean and full of light. So, people are very busy in this festival to make the home and environment clean and tidy. lamps as shown above are lighted on each house making the environment very joyful. In Nepal people also came in group to sing the festival songs called Deusi and Bhailo giving blessing to house owners after getting gifts from house owner. Small children are more happy in this time as they can play songs and use firecrackers on this time. 

People are blessed with all manifestation of wealth : money, food, progeny, knowledge and so on are sure to be happy. On this happy occasion we wish our well wishers a very good time this year too.

Enjoy Tihar with this music video:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Obama wins again

President Barack Obama of USA has won the second presidential election defeating Romney of Republican party thereby flaming the audacity of hope. He became Nobel prize winner in the first year of his presidency though many had questioned for this for doing nothing in the name of peace before his presidency. But his position for ending the war regime in Afghanistan and withdrawal of Army from Iraq has been seen as the good sign of hope in the international arena. In the domestic front his universal healthcare plan for all fellows American is regarded as a basic tenet of human-rights by many people. Other detrimental event in his time is death of Bin laden in the safe hideout of Pakistan in the hands of SEAL. Pakistan is accused of playing double game of receiving billions of dollar from USA in the war against terrorism and protecting the Laden for getting the same. Laden is the master mind of twin tower attack in 2001 that saw death of more than 4,000 innocent people. This has shown that in some day the truth will prevail and nation will be exposed like Prachanda and company of Nepali Maoist were given shelter by Indian regime to devastate Nepal which was exposed so badly in recent times. To be noted that main master mind of Mumbai attack is freely moving in Pakistan these days. So do not protect enemy of one nation for benefit of you otherwise be prepared for the same by others. Because of his soft policy and good oratory power, the brand image of USA has grown in different parts of world than in the times of Bush presidency.
    The greatest strength of Obama is his power to negotiate and ask for the opposition to join in hands for nation development. We from the different nations (Nigeria, India, China or Nepal) where the politics have become the power to grab the national resource and plunder it for personal cause should take lesson from him to move forward for benefit of billions of common people.
    We can learn many things personally from him after his victory speech shown here. He looks modest, appreciative of opposition and positive for the future.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Medical mistakes

Medical mistakes are one of the biggest mistakes caused due to the negligence on the parts of doctors, nurse, relatives or patient itself either through the wrong intake of medicine or overdose or else. There are reports that a wrong patient's surgery was carried out in Bharatpur, Nepal and it was a big hue and cry once revealed. Our  teacher told us that during his operation his doctor left inside the scissors (in Teaching Hospital of Tribhuvan University @ Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal ) and  he had to suffer a severe pain until it was re-diagnosed and removed from abdomen. 

We were thinking that this happened in developing countries where there is much negligence in parts from the so revered medical practice. Doctors are getting life time license for practice and the money minded nature has prevailed over the noble cause to serve the needy patients. But it is interesting that even in the developed countries like USA similar problems have occurred.  Each year about quarter of million (250,000) people died  and millions get injured due to the of medical mistakes in USA alone. It is said to be the 6th biggest Killer (5th place is taken by accident).

Some  common medical mistakes are: 
  1. Wrong treating of patients (due to similar name  or else)
  2. Surgical gifts (like scissors or cotton left in organ after operation)
  3. Fake doctors 
  4. Emergency treatment delay
  5. Air bubbles in blood
  6. Wrong medication/drugs
  7. Wrong treatment of parts (like medication or surgery)
  8. Infection infestation (Hospital infection like by doctor/nurse: no hand washing by them before treatment)
  9. Waking up during operation
  10. Power shortage or machinery breakup during operation 
There are many ways to prevent the medical errors like proper licensing system (for medical occupation and hospital), informed and proactive patients and other required check and balance  system. More than this there are doctors who just do anythings for the sake of money. In India, there are several stories surfacing out that the unwanted surgeries are carried out to remove the fresh organ like kidney from the healthy patients to be sold into black market for organ transplant. Similarly, illegal sex selection abortion is in practice due to the unethical practice by medical professionals.This has twisted the sex ratio (male to female ratio) that in many parts of India there are problems of being bachelor due to the lack of girls. These are very bad practice done by the doctors and their partners for the sake of money. This should be punished with the maximum penalty with de-registration of medical license of doctors for lifetime affect.

In countries like South Korea, where preference for boy is still strong, to ward off the unnecessary abortion government introduced ban on doctors to reveal sex of fetus and other social and economic measure to lift the girls status. Those doctors who violate this will be stripped of license and this has very good impact on overall sex ratio of country. Another idea is to put the medical malpractice into check by lawsuit and legal punishment. According to University of Pennsylvania law professor Tom Bakert, USA has  an epidemic of medical malpractice and very few lawsuits. Laws are made to protect the  needy and weaker section of society. If people have little faith on the system, there will be situation where people will take law into hand and do whatever s/he finds good which is not good for anyone in broader perspective. In my opinion concerted efforts from all concerned can save life property and stress associated with medical mistakes/malpractice around the world. Education and responsible global citizen can avoid the tragedy associated with medical mistakes/practice.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day in Photo- 14

Golden Temple in Kyoto

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day in Photo-13

So cute frog !!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sex selective abortion and Euthanasia in the field of medical world

ex selective abortion is one of the major problems in the developing countries including China, India. The data show that it is more common among affluent and educated families rather than poor and illiterate families. Most of the abortion of a female fetus is due to the importance given to male child for continuing their family. The problem in India may due to the burden of dowry system while in China it may be due to one child policy. People love females in different manifestations like mother, wife, sister but why when comes the birth of a daughter why? Selective abortion is logical in the sense if there are risk and complication and in some moral grounds like rape of women to avoid the later psychological burden. But why SEX selective abortion in normal scenarios? These types of medical practices are being done either against the law or ethics. The same practitioner is helping baby boy to born in this world while the same practitioner is killing baby girl. This is just greed to earn money and become rich without any moral responsibility. I believe this is very shameful and sinful act in the medical field as we have taken oath to save the life at our level best. So we have no rights in butchery.

On the other hand Euthanasia, also known as mercy killing, is a matter of great controversy as whether it has to be encouraged or not. Some of the countries has approved with the strong view that euthanasia is the act undertaken with compassion and without personal gain. Doctor assists the person with an incurable illness who has voluntarily asked their life to be ended to die. The pain, the suffering and the circumstances are on one side but beyond that there is a life which is an irreversible change in ones life. In my opinion as a health professional, I would rather allow patients to survive till they get their natural death because we can end life but we can’t give it back. So this is my great concern.

(Written By: Anupama Poudel)

Happy Vijaya Dasami 2069 B.S. (2012 A.D)

Wishing You All Well Wishers 

A Very Warm 

Happy Vijaya Dasami 2069 B.S. (2012 A.D)

Nepalimana family

Also enjoy Dashain Tihar  song by famous young singer Sugam Pokhrel

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hearty Congratulation

Dear Pralhad Uprety !

You have proven the fact that “hard work pays you off in future”. Your undying hope to earn a PhD degree (Earthquake Engineering) from prestigious University in Japan has come true. Our whole family and well-wishers congratulate you for such a remarkable success. 
All the very best for your future aspirations. 
With All Best Wishes
Your Beloved and whole family

Nepali alphabet song

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day in Photo-12

Water playing with earth

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day in Photo-11

 Tohoku University....
 where great  writer Lu Xun  (1881-1936) studied

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day in Photo-10

 Marching high....Tokyo Tower

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Incredible! Moon meets Light

Chandra  Dangi
(Photo: Krish Dulal, Wikipedia)
It is incredible moment indeed. The shortest living man and  woman meet for the first time in the history. As a part of 2013 release for 57 edition of Guinness World Records, the records  made this arrangement in London. Chandra Bahadur Dangi  (height 54.6 cm) from Nepal is the world's  shortest man. He is from Purundhara village in Dang district in Western Nepal. He is the also the smallest person in the recorded history of smallest adult before which Gul Mohammad (1957-1997) of India hold that record  (height 57 cm). Born in 30 November 1939 (age 72) he came in the limelight only after 2006 when some people noticed his uniqueness and showcased in different expos. He was awarded this record in 2012 only. He weighs just 14.5 kilogram but fit and fine. He is unmarried and a farmer by profession. After winning the  records said: "I'm very happy that I'm being recognized by Guinness World Records and that my name will be written in a book.  It's a big thing for my family, my village and my country.  I am very happy." He loves travelling and is proficient in playing madal.

Similarly, the world's Shortest Woman, Jyoti Amge (62.8 cm) is from India.She was born in December 16, 1993 (age 18). She loves fashion and wish to become actress in coming years.

Meaning of Chandra is moon while Jyoti refers to light. So, in simple way Moon is meeting with light complementing each other! Great meaning in the sense that we should be calm and cool as moon and its light. Enjoy the video of this great moment! 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

India and her Neighbors-Part 3

Relation with Neighbors

Nepali in Indian Gorkha rifles
(Source: Wikipedia)
Lets talk about Indo-Nepal relationship. Nepal and India have shared a long relation from the ancient past. Goddess Sita from Nepal married Lord Rama of Ayodhya India.  King Tribhuvan married two daughters of Punjab, India. Still today, many people from India and Nepal make marriage relationship not only at local level but also into high level. Current Commander in Chief Gaurav Shamsher J.B.R. of Nepal Army is married  with Indian lady. Many Nepali leaders  actively supported Indian people in Indian freedom fight from Colonial British power. Notable personnel included late prime ministers of Nepal like Manmohan Adhikary, B. P. Koirala, M.P. Koirala, G. P. Koirala and Krishna Prasad Bhattarai. Many were martyred during struggle including Durga Malla whose statue is now in Indian Parliament premise since 2004.They were doing this time in the hope that free India will give Nepal a chance to prosper together with India. Nepal at that time was under the cruel one family grip of Rana dynasty. However, it is sorry to say that regarding Indo-Nepal relationships, India has been trying to carry the colonial British mentality in treating Nepal. Nepali people are serving in Indian armed services saving Indian frontiers from external enemy and maintaining law and order in the times of  internal problems. As  a token of friendship Nepal has always offered its citizen to serve in Indian armed forces. No other country can give such privilege. Though there is 1950  friendship treaty, there is less friendship but more enmity towards Nepal based on the different historical facts (Nepal has raised the scrapping their treaty from time to time but India has delayed this). Some specific facts are  
  1. There are several border encroachments (about 60 points like Susta in Nawalparasi) and army camp in Kalapani area since 1962. There is no fixed boundary between India and Nepal. There is no border dispute between China and Nepal.
  2. India deceived Nepal in Koshi and Gandaki river project. It controlled the dams in Nepalese territory and released excess water in rainy season while took away more water in dry season for the irrigation in India. These are the visible pains to Nepal.
  3. It does not help as expected in Nepali development in one sectors while obstruct other foreign helps in the fear that  it will lose influence. Even such help is short nearsightedness with immediate return calculation.
  4. It is preparing fake Lumbini in India to fool whole world that Buddha was born in India not in Nepal.
  5. As there is free open border between India and Nepal many criminals can mis-utilize this.India accuses Nepal of harboring terrorists. When Nepal asked to regulate border or make fence or use passport system it systematically refuses it. This is because Nepal, though small to India, has also lot of opportunities. India wants its people to get benefits from Nepalese employment opportunities. In long run these people want to settle in Nepal and when succeeds ask citizenship and finally all political benefits. Even there is conspiracy theory that in longer run through this population dynamics India wants  to annex  Nepal into India.
  6. Nepal has no access to sea and nearest port is Kolkata in India.There is international understanding that there must be easy access to sea to all landlocked countries. But in 1988 about 18 months blockade was carried out by India. Reason was simple. Nepal bought some necessary weapons from China. 
  7. Recently Prof S.D Muni, who has good connection with Indian government, has exposed the deceiving role India has played by supporting the armed conflict in Nepal since 2002 by sheltering the top brass of Maoist leaders like Baburam Bhattarai and Prachanda. He is also the mentor of  Baburam Bhattarai while he was student in Jawaharlal UniversityIndia.  India provided arms and training to them in one hand through its intelligence unit RAW and IB while on the other hand gave ammunition to Nepal army thereby flaring the conflict. It was surprising act to support the group she labelled terrorist officially. More than 15,000 people were killed during this decade long conflict (1996-2006). The country was pushed back for several decades and hard earned infrastructures were demolished and destroyed. Book entitled Nepal in Transition: From People’s War to Fragile Peace", has shown the dubious and heinous role India has played toward friendly neighbor Nepal. Nepalese people are still working in Indian armed forces including Gurkha battalions saving her frontiers while India was unleashing terror in Nepal. What a surprising gift India offered Nepal for  loyal serviceIt is irony of Nepal that both Baburam Bhattarai and Prachanda have become prime ministers of Nepal. Many in Nepal viewed removal of monarchy from Nepal was evil design of India with corrupt Nepali politicians. Monarchy was bastion for the integrity and national sovereignty and removal of it was easy way to meddle in the all lives of Nepali society. It is to be noted that annexation of Sikkim in 1975 was done after the removal of King by Indian grand design. It is written very nicely by Sukunda Dutta Roy in his book  Smash and Grab, Annexation of Sikkim. The book is banned in India. Many people in Nepal have experienced the excess of Indian interference after the downfall of monarchy and rise of Maoist in power. It is to be noted that there was no plebiscite for the declaration of republic or making Nepal federal or secular country.

Exposed  Indian hegemony 
Because of these above mentioned facts, small countries neighboring India who pride in national independence and dignity in the international arena are suspicious of India. Nepal has been shattered by mischievous India for its role in political change and support for armed conflict. It cannot pinpoint hand towards Pakistan for supporting terrorism as her own hands are full with bloods of Srilankan and Nepalese innocent people. People feared that India has ushered its policy of Bhutanization and then Sikkimization ti her neighbors. But it will backfired in this era of modernization, globalization and patriotic people of these nations.  Though there might be good relation between ruling (puppet !?)  leaders,  people of these countries, simply hate India for her mischievous activities. This should not be taken as hating Indian people. Indian people are friendly and are with big heart. Indian food, cinema are popular among them. It is because of  the ruling Indian class and excesses of security personnel's in the border that is still counting the shame in the international arena.

Next blogs will talk about the role India has to play for the  concept of TOGETHER WE PROSPER. We will discuss how Indian people can come hand in hand in this noble cause.

Monday, August 27, 2012

India and her neighbors- Part 2

Relation with Neighbors

India has land border with China, Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar. Southern neighbors are Sri Lanka and Maldives. The relationship between India and its neighboring countries is not good as expected. As India and Pakistan was created out of big British India due to the religion, Hindu dominated India and Muslim dominated Pakistan, both do not have cordial relationship since their independence. With the case of Jammu and Kashmir both have fought 2 wars (1948 and 1965) and regarding the East Pakistan movement  in 1971 (that divided Pakistan into 2 states: Bangladesh and Pakistan). During the Kargil event next large scale confrontation was avoided through international pressure. Though India won all three wars, there is still tension between these countries. Each county points out each other when some terror activities happen.

China occupied Tibet after communist rule in 1949 and Dalai Lama departure in 1959 to India created some misunderstanding between these counties and had a war in 1962 in which China got victorious. Though in recent years there are signs of greater bilateral trade there are still unresolved problems in border demarcation. With the increased economic power both India and China are reflexing muscles to increase influence to neighboring small countries. 

Sikkim was a tiny Himalayan Kingdom (about 5000 square kilometer in area and current population about 200,000  population) bordering Nepal and Tibet. It is to be noted that Sikkim was part of Nepal which was taken by British India after Britain won the war. Since then it was protectorate kingdom. After India gained independence in 1947 India wished to annex it with her but King was main hurdle.With secret manipulation and subversion  using RAW (Research and Analysis, an intelligent agency) India created fissures and political upheavals through Kaji Lendup Dorje. It became republic and subsequently annexed in India in 1975. Many people rebuke person with name Lendup Dorje   if s/he is (or suspected of being) traitor of nation.

Fig.   Srilankan LTTE cadres getting training in India 1984
(Source: Wikipedia)
Srilanka in the Southern corner is state where Ashoka has sent missionary to preach Buddhism 2000years ago. Country is still predominantly Buddhist and temple tooth in Kandy which house relics of Buddha is world heritage sites. During the two decade long armed Tamil conflict in Srilanka, India covertly and overtly trained the members of LTTE (reported to be 20,000) including its head Prabhakaran in Tamilnadu and Chakrata base station. On the other hand with crocodile tear it sent Indian armed force  (IPKF) to contain rebels. This dubious  role also angered LTTE and they took revenge on Indian establishments by killing previous prime minister of India Rajiv Gandhi in 1991. As you sow as you reap. Only after this reprisal, India banned LTTE but  it enjoys support from Tamilnadu state in south. The two decade long civil war  took lives of about 100,000 people, and assassination of president, prime minister and many others. Several round of peace talks were held but were all vain. Finally, LTTE was crushed in 2009 and now Srilankan people can live peace of life. Because of this exposure, India is seen as villian of peace in Lanka.

Bhutan is one county that enjoys good relation with India. This is because of submissal policy of  Bhutan as  both defense and external policy  of Bhutan is governed by India. It borders China in the north but till date it has no formal diplomatic relationship with China. So, some observers regard Bhutan as indopendent not independent. Because of this, many Bhutanese of Nepali origin when  driven away from Bhutan during ethnic cleansing came to Nepal through India.But when they tried to go back Bhutan, India forces stopped them. Please note that Nepal and Bhutan have no direct land mass connection. Bhutanese people wanted multiparty democracy and constitutional monarchy same as in Nepal in 1990s but they were labelled terrorist and driven away. About 100,000 people lived in different camps in Eastern Nepal. There were several round of talks between Nepal and India for their safe return in Bhutan. All were vain as Bhutan with the Indian blessings always cheated Nepal. After 17 years in camps, finally third country resettlement program was launched. Now many Bhutanese refugees are settled in USA, Canada, and other countries. They were forced to choose new place as India did not help Nepal to pressure Bhutan for their repatriation. The world so called biggest democracy was showing the crocodile tears again.

Bangladesh and India relationship is also with ups and down. Many Bangladeshi remembered India for its help  in gaining independence from Pakistan. However, the hegemony of India towards Bangladesh is uninvited subject to Bangladeshi people. There are disputes of Farakka Barrage where upper country India controls the Ganges river and also illegal immigration of Bengali people to India.  

Next blog will talk specifically about Indo-Nepal relationship.

India and her neighbors- Part 1

-By Sardul
India, from the very beginning of human civilization, is one of the developed areas as evident from the Indus civilization in Mohenjado and Harappa civilization. It has been ruled by different rulers from both outside and inside including Greek (Alexander the great ), Mughal (derivation of Mongol ) and finally British through East India Company. It is home to the ancient thinkers, birthplace of Mahabir (proponent of Jain religion) and workplaces of  Buddha (born in Lumbini, Nepal) and  GuruNanak (born in current state of Pakistan).

Modern History
Fig 1 India and her neighbours
India gained its independence in 1947 from Britain and at that time there were 500 princely estates within India itself. Most of them were absorbed with India either through  force or agreement. At that time there were some European  colonies like Goa of Portugal, Srilanka of  Britian and Vietnam of France. Other  independent states on the were Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan and Sikkim.Tibet has been annexed by China in 1959 while Sikkim by India in 1975. 

Current Status
Currently India is the largest nation in South Asia and seventh (about 3.2 million square kilometer) in the world by area. It is the  second largest  country by population (more than 1.2 billion) in the World. For the time being it is considered the largest democracy in the world as China, with largest population, is one party communist system. With the downfall of USSR in 1990 and emergence of free market economy many new economic powers (like Brazil, China, Indonesia, India, South Africa) have emerged. With its growing economic status, big population size, cheap labor and  large pool of English speaking people India has become attractive investment destination. Currently it is the 11th largest economy by GDP count with 7% annual growth rate and expected to be 2nd in the coming decades.

Next blog will talk about the relation of modern India to her neighbors.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day in Photo-9

Sunset reflection over abstract sculptor (Chiba Park), Japan 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Day in Photo- 8

What a beautiful world we have !

Monday, August 20, 2012

Day in Photo -7

Prince Pranjal with uncle Kevin 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day in Photo-6

Friendship !!! How are you my dears ?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day in Photo-5

 Baby ! Life is beautiful

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Happy Journey to Canada

Nice family 

 Nepali  Cindrella

 What a cute baby !

Bon Voyage to all.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Krishnajanmastami (Lord Krishna Birthday)

Balkrishna (Baby Krishna)
Today is the birthday of Lord Krishna who is the human  incarnation of Lord Bishnu (one of the trinity of the Hindusim). The word Krishna literally  means black as well as person with charisma (attraction). He was born as the 8th baby to mother  Devaki and father Basudev in the prison in Mathura (now in Uttar pradesh, India) at midnight. His parents were imprisoned by maternal uncle Kansa out of fear that he would be killed by the 8th son .To avoid risk Kansa killed previously born 6 babies from the couple. Last 7th and 8th babies however survived the death trap of Kansa. Basudev secretly transferred Krishna out of prison and he was raised by foster parents Nanda and Yasoda in Gokul (now in Gujarat, India).
Krishna in Mahabharata War
There were several attempts by Kansa to assassinate him. Lord always foiled them and finally he killed Kansa and restore his father as the king of Mathura. Kansa is notorious for his evil thinking and deeds and hence regarded as evil person so nobody wants to be compared with him. He worked as a chief Prince to Ugrasena and later established own kingdom in Dwarka. During his lifetime he worked for the betterment of human being by siding with the goods and eradicating the evils. In the Mahabharata war he sided with Pandavas and worked with the Arjuna. During this time he delivered the essence of life what we call the Bhagvat Gita. Gita is the most philosophical yet easy way of understanding the life and self. Divided into 18 chapters, it also talks about the morality and Yoga (union of soul to super soul of God). Here he stated the importance of duty, compassion, self and the invincibility of soul and reincarnation. Gita is one the most important religious texts in Hinduism. Originally stated in Sanskrit, now there are several translations in different languages including, Nepali, English, Gujarati, Urdu and so on. Gita Press of India is doing very good work since 1923 in popularizing the books. Even Braille version has been evolved.

Krishna Temple (Patan, Nepal)
On this holy day many devotees flock to the Krishna temple around the globe. In Nepal Krishna temple in Patan, is very famous and is packed with devotees. The temple,built by King Siddi  Narsingh Malla, is made from stone and has 21 pinnacles. On the wall events of Mahabharata is very nicely portrayed. The night time environment is  special with bright light and colorful devotees. High dignitaries like King and president come to pay homage to God.

Krishna in  Nara Japan 
Regarding the influence of Krishna out of South Asia, we can found the  image of Krishna in Bali Indonesia, and even in Japan. There is a depiction of Krishna playing flute in the Nara temple constructed in 752 AD in Japan. 

In modern times, with the evolution of ISKON movement (Hare Krishna Movement) in 1966 by Prabhupada in New york USA has  significantly draw attention of  Western people and many people are following the Devotion tradition (Bhakti marga) of Lord Krishna. Its centers are expanded to Canada to Britain and Kenya to Australia. 

In the today's high-tech world people need to do many things and feel stressed. In such situation, people of all race and faith can learn Gita,  pratice Yoga for the solace and peace of mind. The devoted one can recognize self and become great soul Like Buddha and Krishna. It is really possible.

Happy Krishnastami to all !!!!

May this day brings peace, prosperity and progress to all. 
People be friend to each other and compassion rein their heart.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Remembering past

                38th University Festival in Chiba University (2010 December)

After the open policy in 1950 Nepal has witnessed foreign tourist who are lured by the majestic beauty of Himalayas, magnificent art and architecture as well as natural beauty and friendly people. Tourism has become a growing industry and it is one of the major economic power houses of nation. It get set back after the Royal massacre in 2001, terrorist attack in twins tower in 2001 as well as increased armed activities in Nepal itself. However after the end of the insurgency in 2006 the situation has changed dramatically.
            To attract the visitors, government of Nepal has also lunched different activities through Nepal tourism board and other related agencies. In 2010 government declared 2011 as Nepal Visit Year. Many helped to in this noble cause in whichever means they could offer. We also introduced Nepal and tried to make Visit Nepal Year 2011 successful.  We participated in Food festival as well as University festival introducing food, dance and culture. Hundred of visitors were interested to our performance and were curious about Nepal
               There were 448,769   foreign visitors coming in Nepal (counted by air arrival only) in 2010. After the lunch of Visit Nepal year it increased by 21.4% to 544,985 in 2011. Looking back to the progress there were 20,458 tourists from Japan (counted by air arrival only) in 2010 while there were 22,008 in 2011 which is increased by 7.6% (Source: Nepal tourism board 2012). We are relieved that progress was achieved and whatever small contribution we could make might have some pie in this surge.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wonder from Peru- Machu Picchu

Wonder of World: Machu Picchu of Inca Empire in Peru
There were  several independent civilizations in different parts of world with different level of art, culture, belief and religion. Inca civilization in South america was one of the  advanced  and developed civilizations. Before being colony of Spanish invaders in 1500s they had good and prosperous life. Because of the military superiority and internal weakness, Spanish could crush them and made whole South America the colony for several hundred of years. In the due course the entire culture was devastated with the suppression of their belief system and forced conversion to Christianity. Macha Pichu was in the high land area without knowledge to Spanish and hence remained untouched. Only in 1911 American historian Hiram Bingham brought notice to outside world about this nice monuments. Since then it has became tourist attraction of Peru. It was listed as World heritage site in 1983. Relieved that such a masterpiece remained untouched by the destroyer of human civilization.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Cheerful as Cherry

 Be Cheerful as Cherry !!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Greater Nepal

Map of Greater Nepal 
Nepal was big country and from time to time it has become squeezed due to internal and external conflicts. In the latest history when the farsighted King Prithvi  Narayan Shah the Great started the foundation of modern Nepal 250 years ago, there were more than 50 small kingdoms in Nepal alone. The unification campaign continued even after his early death by his descendants and noblemen in the palace with the help of patriotic persons. However at that time British East India Company, which has entered India in the name of business, started to colonize Indian kingdoms. Nepal had to fought with the British troops to protect the sovereignty and the war continued for 2 years (1814-1816). The war came to end with the humiliating Sugauli treaty (1816 March 4) in which Nepal had to give up large part of her territory like the Sikkim , Darjeeling, Dinapur in the East and parts between Mahakali and Sutlej river in the west. Currently Dinapur lies in Bangladesh (East Pakistan from 1947-1971) while other parts are in India once the British rule was over in 1947. The 1950 Nepal- India Friendship treaty clause 8 scraps the Sugauli treaty which means that the areas held by British India no longer valid. However, those areas are in the control of India and Bangladesh. Many historians have raised this issue.Even there is movement of Greater Nepal is launched with the notion that Nationalism never die. They opined that even in the current border between India and Nepal, India is not behaving well with Nepal like by encroaching the border, terrorizing Nepali people along the border with the excessive use of force by SSB force and so on. They hope that if Greater Nepal can be made successful Nepal will be free from the shackles of Indian expansionism. Lets see whether this comes in reality in near future or not. 
Next time the blog about India Nepal relationship will be discussed.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Nelson Mandela: Freedom Fighter

Without justice there is no peace.
Without peace there is no progress. 
Without progress there is no prosperity. 

In the history of mankind there are times when a light of hope emerges from the darkness to brighten the masses. Such is the story of Nobel peace prize winner and first democratically elected president of South Africa: Nelson Mandela, a true iconic yet indisputable figure in current time. He has struggled most of his fertile time for the benefit of humanity and did this by fighting the apartheid in South Africa for which he was imprisoned for 27 years in isolated Robben ( literal meaning Seal in dutch) island. It  is to be noted that this island has been used for isolation of prisoners from 17th century. Because of connection with Mandela, now this prison has been designated as world heritage site.
Nelson Mandela (Photo: Kjetil Ree )
 Though there is saying that all people are equal but in practice that is not true. People are treated based on their religion, color, race, nationality and  economic status and so on. The situation goes bad when the parent like institution government unfairly treats it people using its power. Such had happened in modern times- 20th century when the white dominated government introduced laws to segregate the people based on color of skin (racial group) making them superior group among other groups. Separated spaces  were allocated in every aspects of life: housing, public spaces and even education. It was even illegal to marry with other group. Draconian laws were especially targeted against the majority black people who were the right owner of nation. White people have emigrated there in search of opportunity in colonial times. They were treated as second class citizen in their own country. Such a heinous act cannot be tolerated by a people of good heart. Many people marched against the apartheid and struggled for making the justful society. Nelson Mandela was prominent figure in this struggle. Born in 18 July 1918, he studied in Wats University. He was politically affiliated to African National Congress ANC, established in 1912. After the Sharpville massacre, in which peaceful 69 anti-apartheid  protesters were killed by government, Nelson Mandela and other  leaders turned to violence to end the unjust of apartheid. He was caught in this process in 1961 and  sent to solitary prison to be released only in 1990. 
     Many nations including Nepal supported Mandela and his cause. South Africa was boycotted internationally and many nations refused to recognize the country. Nepal was one of the nations to raise the voice in international arena. Nepal made diplomatic relation to South Africa only after the end of apartheid and on the same day as Nelson became president (10th May 1994). Nepal has opened its embassy in Pretoria in 2010 after the increased relationship.
     Many people around the world regard him a true statesman as once he became the president of South Africa he tried to make reconciliatory approach with all sections of society including the tyranny group of White people to make a new path of freedom. The truth and reconciliation commission is highly regarded model of transition to conflict torn society. He did not show any lust of power as he refused to held office for second term. In his untiring fight for the inalienable human rights of people United Nations declare the International Mandela day since 2009 (on his 90th birthday). This year theme on his 94th birthday is "Take Action, Inspire Change: Make Every Day a Mandela Day.” Lets come together in this noble cause.