Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Prince Pranjal Playing with Snow

Prince Pranjal playing with snow ( December 2011)
Copyright reserved

Children are the most happiest people in the world and they show their utmost  sincerity in expression. Children are the princes and princesses.They are the future of the world and if we can nurture the true humanity in them it is sure that the world will be more happier place to live in. Please love children and make them more happy whatever means you have and whatever small it may be. Wishing a very happy time with children.

DEAR Children we wish you very very wonderful days ahead.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Top Universities in the World 2011

Each year universities around the world are ranked to give the glimpse of the impact they have on the academic community and contribution to the humanity. QS world ranking is prestigious ranking. In this ranking, for each university 100 marks is allocated of which academic reputation counts for 40% weight, employer reputation 10%, citation per faculty 20%, faculty student ration 20%, proportion of international student 5% and  proportion of international faculty 5%. 
Fig 1 Allocation of weightage for evaluation

The top 10  universities in this year are from United Kingdom and United States of America (5 from each country).University of Cambridge from UK ranks first, Harvard and MIT from USA ranks second and third respectively. Details are as shown below:
Fig 2 Top 10 Universities in 2011

It is interesting that western universities are again the top universities in the world. However, many Asian universities are also vying for top position. The HongKong university ranks 22nd, The University of Tokyo 25th, National University of Singapore 28th and Kyoto University  32nd. Regarding South Asia, the situation is bleak as the most renown universities in the region are not even within top 100. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Delhi ) is just 218th.There is no rank for the university in Nepal. There must be some reasons behind this situation. Some reasons are  politics in the education, lack of motivation and research fund, high teacher student ratio and so on.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Panaromic view of Garden, Japan